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Linda Ford
2 min read
lifting the fog & flipping the switch
As a young girl, I was groomed to be insecure and dysfunctional when it came to relationships. This was not a conscious or deliberate...
Linda Ford
2 min read
Should I stay or should I go?
Inauguration Day made me realize just how much on edge I have been for the last four years. It felt as if I’d been holding my breath and...
Linda Ford
2 min read
your personal brand
As a child growing up in England, there was no question of buying fish sticks (or fish fingers as we called them!) if they were not...
Linda Ford
2 min read
Letting others see you
If you want to end your isolation, you must be honest about what you want at a core level and decide to go after it. Martha Beck....
Linda Ford
3 min read
You can be bored and uncertain, or uncertain and alive.
'Tis the season for returns and exchanges, of long lines, and gift receipts. It's where you get to pick out the right size, and the right...
Linda Ford
2 min read
We create our relationships
I’m a real believer that our homes say so much about who we are. The artwork, colors, order, chaos, or clutter reflect our state of mind....
Linda Ford
2 min read
My dogs day finally ended
That’s me twenty years ago when I first got engaged to my husband, Tim. I had just come out of what seemed like a prison sentence that...
Linda Ford
2 min read
Giving thanks to the not so nice.
On this Thanksgiving Day, it’s easy to give thanks for all the good stuff that’s going on in your life – yes, even in 2020! But can you...
Linda Ford
3 min read
Listening to your wisdom
There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen. – Rumi Have you ever had one of those moments when the person you’re with does or says...
Linda Ford
2 min read
When Your life clicks into place
In the year 2000, my life clicked into place. My mother would tell you it was because I had finally met and married my soul mate. But I...
Linda Ford
2 min read
The Secret to being attractive
That’s a photograph of me some twenty-five years ago with my Demi Moore haircut. I had just seen her in the movie, Ghost and I couldn’t...
Linda Ford
2 min read
The Rocket-fuel of life
Many of us tend to think about self-confidence as an extra add-on – we underestimate it, we view it as nice to have, but not a must-have....
Linda Ford
2 min read
We humans are so ridiculous
Most of us go through life with the intent of making sure we don’t embarrass ourselves – we strive to get to a place where we can show up...
Linda Ford
2 min read
I'm sure that many of you are waking up in the middle of the night (like I do) with a head full of thoughts that go something like:...
Linda Ford
5 min read
A Chance encounter with van morrison
Have you ever had one of those moments in life when you step out of character, so to speak – where you find yourself saying or doing...
Linda Ford
3 min read
Do you have the confidence to be selfish?
The word selfish gets a bad rap. It’s seen as a negative trait – something to avoid. But I think it's time to reclaim this word, this...
Linda Ford
4 min read
A new appreciation for the invisible.
Invisible Power is the title of one of my favorite books. It’s about everyone’s hidden inner capacity. The notion that something...
Linda Ford
3 min read
Stop Being so damn committed
When you think of someone who is COMMITTED, you think of someone with courage, determination, a strong character, and a...
Linda Ford
3 min read
Do You remember your first time?
Do you remember the first time you had a glass of alcohol? How about your first cup of coffee or tea? What about cigarettes? Do you...
Linda Ford
2 min read
When the ego gets a bad rap
Have you ever noticed that in the world of spiritual self-help (including this community), the ego (or small self) tends to get a bad...
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