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WHERE SOUL MEETS STRATEGYThroughout my 2o years of personal development work and coaching, I've come to realize that it's not enough to just think positive, say your affirmations, make a great vision board, or imagine yourself living the life you want or live "as if" you already had what you want. There's nothing wrong with doing these things - but for many women, these practices are not working. Many are still trudging through life waiting for their dreams to manifest. But nothing changes. What I've discovered is that there's so much more going on behind the scenes to call in the life you desire.THE COURSES & PROGRAMS I TEACH TAKE A DEEPER APPROACH TO HELP YOU LIVE OUT THE VISION YOU HAVE FOR YOUR LIFE.Becoming a powerful MAGNETIZER - requires a solid foundation of you knowing your worth. It's about closing the gap between how you currently think about yourself and who you really are at your core. My work is about helping your close that gap.Becoming a coach fifteen years ago was one of the most profound decisions of my life.
I knew I had found my calling – my vocation. Little did I know that this entrepreneurial journey I was about to embark on would also become a powerful catalyst for my own personal and spiritual awakening.
I would soon discover that this beautiful work I was being called to do, would demand so much more of me than just being a great coach.
You see, there was this other matter of how to find clients and make money – how to let the world know I existed. I knew nothing about the world of marketing, messaging, or sales. And then there was the technical stuff – I hadn’t a clue how to build a website or create a newsletter or set up operating systems.
But as frustrating, overwhelming, and challenging as all of this was, I somehow knew that these were skills I would eventually figure out. I was resourceful. I could find someone to help me. They were the least of my problems.
But who was going to help me with my lack of confidence about putting myself out there?
How was I ever going to get clients and make money? I was so afraid of being criticized, and rejected, and what if people thought I wasn't a very good coach? What if they found me boring? My website may have looked great, but who was going to cover up the deep insecurity I felt about my worth and value? How was I ever going to disguise the energetic part of me - that part I just couldn't hide.
I was living a Jekyll and Hyde existence
The odd thing was is that there was a part of me that wanted to put myself out there when I thought about how I could coach and help others, but there was also another part that closed me down and was forever telling me:
You’re not ready yet, it’s too dangerous;
You’ll be laughed at and no one will take you seriously.
Other people are so much more qualified than you, so why bother?
You should take another workshop before you launch yourself.
And so began my Jekyll and Hyde phase that would last for seven years. I could sense a part of me that wanted to come into full view, but another part that retreated into the background. There were days when I would come up with a great idea and then no sooner talk myself out of it – I was always second-guessing myself.
And this pattern of self-sabotage and hiding out left me feeling frustrated, sad, and painfully under-utilized. I began to wonder what was going on with me. What was at the bottom of my insecurity and self doubt?
What Breaks my Heart
Over the years I’ve discovered that my experience is not uncommon. I meet so many women who have a strong desire to help others through their coaching – and who also desire to have a business that attracts clients and makes money, but who also struggle with a lack of confidence about putting themselves out there. So many of them are not coming into full view – so many of them have the handbrake on.
And the sad truth about these women is that many of them are smart, talented, hard-working, highly intuitive, and wise – many of them have been on a spiritual and personal - development journey for a long, long, time. These women know so much. And yet! They still don’t believe they are ready or qualified to put themselves and their work out there.
They continue to sit on their ideas instead of sharing them, they’re afraid of being judged and rejected, they're caught up in the perfection and comparison trap, and they are forever over-analyzing themselves with excruciating detail - always thinking of themselves as an imposter.
I know a thing or 2 about Transformation.
I no longer hold myself back and let fear stop me. I have co-written a Kindle best-selling book: Women and Confidence: The truth about the lies we tell ourselves; I have co-created two successful online programs called: The Confident Coach and If I'm so smart then why don't I feel more confident?
And for all of these projects, I've had to use my voice, develop a point of view, share my opinions, produce videos, interview experts, speak at seminars and workshops, and put myself out there. I finally released the handbrake.
Where Soul Meets Strategy
My transformational journey has been about integrating two important paths. The path of strategy and the path of the soul. It’s where soul meets strategy, and it’s at the heart of my work today with coaches.
What I discovered was that for many years, I was putting business strategies ahead of doing the deep inner foundational work of connecting with who I really was as a coach. I wasn’t working with the right clients and neither was I confident in my own methodologies instead always distracted trying to imitate other coaches believing that if a business strategy worked for them it would work for me.
And then there were times when I would drop all the strategies and just focus on doing inner work. I discovered that focusing on one without the other n
We are magnetizing all the time, so we may as well do it right!
I've always been insatiably curious about the human condition - why some people seem to thrive in life while others don't – why some people are confident, stand out, and get noticed while others remain invisible and forgettable.
It's the reason why I've been on a spiritual and personal development journey for most of my life. It didn't seem fair to me!
I can thank my parents for making me curious because they were people who despite working two and three jobs, did not know how to thrive in life.
There was never enough money in our family. I never witnessed any confidence and well-being in them. In fact, their life was one long joyless struggle to make ends meets.
ever worked, but when I put the two together - bingo! that's when things began to change for me.
Waking up the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine
Be Seen, Be Heard, have Impact
A Gathering for Women
Ennis, Ireland 2023
Are you Coming?

What we're going cover in this 4-day masterclass
Day 1: Accelerating Your Pure Potential. How to close the gap between who you are now in life and who you really are at your core. What exactly diminishes your power of magnetism? What kicks you out of pure potential and makes you invisible? You're going to find out how to upgrade your earth suit and put it in its rightful place.
Day 2: The Dark Side of the Moon - this class is about changing and leveraging your relationship with fear, your shadow side, and failure. This is going to accelerate and supercharge your magnetic power.
Day 3: Accelerating Your Magnetism - The difference between being in our "head bubble" and being in our bodies - how our bodies reveal our power or lack of it. The power of your voice - if we know how to use them. In this class, we're going to learn how to increase and leverage our ability to be heard and listened to.
Day 4: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - What does it really take to change who we are and how we show up in the world? How do we EMBODY the person we desire to be? In this class, I'm going to share with you how I radically changed my relationship with insecurity and self-doubt - how I disrupted myself! We're also going to consider if we are dressing for the vision we have for our life - whether we are dressing for the past, present, or future, how we show up in the world, and the effect it has on our magnetism. Is the outer reflecting the inner?